Love is this. Love is that.

Most people are familiar with the bible verse that details the nature of love in its purest form. This particular verse was in fact my confirmation verse back in the day- first Corinthians 13: 4-8 states: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres.”

I don’t know about you, but I can’t help myself from having mixed emotions upon hearing that verse. I mean there’s comfort – I know no matter how many mistakes I make in this life, my mom will patiently love me infinity times infinity forever. Then there’s frustration with myself – as a mere mortal I constantly struggle with envy, pride, and anger despite my best intentions to love on people. And then there’s joy, a rapturous all-encompassing joy at the knowledge that God’s love is never-ending and at the end of the day love will always win.

This verse has been on my mind lately, since it was one of the selected verses for our small group bible study this week. It’s been a healthy reminder to me that while receiving love from others is so wonderful and fulfilling and needed, it’s equally or even more important to shower those around you with selfless, honest, and persevering love. Personally, I’m trying to focus on being slow to anger, critically examining sources of envy and pride, and loving people for who they are and where they are currently in this life.

Some life updates for any inquiring minds… I am still finishing up the application process to the UPF and Barcelona School of Management Masters program; I’m hoping to schedule my interview (aka the last step in the process) in the very near future. Otherwise, I have been busy nannying my Catalan gals and American boys. Damian and I joined Anytime Fitness in mid-December and have been pretty diligent about going 4-5 per week. I dig the Pilates classes and being able to watch the New York Times’ videos whilst getting down on the elliptical.

Family Box is going strong and I enjoy the work I’m doing there; I learn something new (usually many things) daily and the work is fulfilling and relevant. On another work note, last week I had the exciting opportunity to interview for a marketing position at Pronovias, the high-end Spanish bridal company. Conducted entirely in Spanish at their headquarters in El Prat, the interview went well and now I’m just playing the old waiting game. Whatever happens, it was a cool experience to have under my belt.

Rainy Poblenou
Rainy Poblenou

Yesterday I finished reading Cheryl Strayed’s Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. Not knowing much about the story aside from the fact that it was about a woman who hikes, I was pleasantly surprised by the memoir. I’m all about a transformative journey as told by a young female narrator, and it was refreshing to learn about something new (the world of hiking).

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